Corporate Training

corporateProper etiquette and professional appearances are important to anyone in the business world. Well-mannered and confident professionals leave the longest impressions upon clients; therefore, executives today must be well-versed in real manners and business etiquette. Gracious manners are not only about where to place one’s fork, but also about how to treat others in a competitive world. The consideration and prudence with which people treat each other is the hallmark of an outstanding company, and real manners are a reliable key to establishing solid interpersonal relationships. Men and women are more confident and self-assured when they know what to do, when to do it, and why it has to be done.

Customized Seminars


  • First Impressions
  • Handshaking- when and how
  • Proper Greetings And Introductions
  • Corporate Culture
  • Telephone Manners
  • Business Entertaining
  • Business Travel
  • Communication- vocabulary, grammar, written, verbal and non-verbal
  • Grooming
  • Attire
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Knowing What To Say And When
  • Conversation And Small Talk
  • Wardrobe

The pulse of our economy is agriculture, the heartbeat is our farmers.

Corporate seminars for professionals in agriculture and its related businesses:

  • Ad/PR Agencies
  • Animal health
  • Agribusiness management & Marketing
  • Agricultural Ag Credit
  • Agricultural Research & Engineering
  • Biofuels
  • Crop Protection
  • Education
  • Farmstead Structures
  • Feed
  • Fertilizer
  • Insurance
  • Machinery
  • Media
  • Professional Farm Management
  • Retail Distribution
  • Real Estate
  • Seed/Traits
  • Trade Associations
  • Veterinarian/nutritionists
  • Water management
  • Professions such as:
    • Architects
    • Attorneys
    • Banking

The Etiquette Iowa Corporate seminars uses the strategy of conducting a program to build awareness, consciousness, and attentiveness to the value and effectiveness of consistent and good manners, civility, respect and courtesy towards self and others.

The methodology: the message is crafted in an easily understand and engaging way, while making it fun, captivating and memorable through teaching practical tools and concepts.

The seminar is entitled: “Agri Manners – Essential Etiquette for Professional Success”. The presentation outlines the 13 Steps to Good Manners, with the finality being “Ready, Set… Time to Say Please and Thank You Again!

  • Participants will receive a card stock piece (with corporate logo) outlining the 13 Steps to Good Manners.
  • Participants will receive a business sized card (to carry in wallet or purse) with a table setting.
  • In order to meet and greet people in a meaningful way, participants will receive a Conversation Starter card, with open ended sample questions that invite people to engage in meaningful conversation.

Manners in Motion Dinner (MIMD) or Manners in Motion Luncheon (MIML) is a great way for participants to put new skills to work and to have fun while enjoying a nice meal.